Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers


Prof. Giovanni De Micheli

École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Bio.: Giovanni De Micheli is a research scientist in electronics and computer science. He is credited for the invention of the Network on Chip design automation paradigm and for the creation of algorithms and design tools for Electronic Design Automation (EDA). He is Professor and Director of the Integrated Systems Laboratory and Scientific Director of the EcoCloud center at EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland. Previously, he was Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. He was Director of the Electrical Engineering Institute at EPFL from 2008 to 2019 and program leader of the Swiss Federal program. He holds a Nuclear Engineer degree (Politecnico di Milano, 1979), a M.S. and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (University of California at Berkeley, 1980 and 1983).
Prof. De Micheli is a Fellow of ACM, AAAS and IEEE, a member of the Academia Europaea and an International Honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His current research interests include several aspects of design technologies for integrated circuits and systems, such as synthesis for emerging technologies. He is also interested in heterogeneous platform design including electrical components and biosensors, as well as in data processing of biomedical information. He is author of: Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits, McGraw-Hill, 1994, co-author and/or co-editor of ten other books and of over 900 technical publications. His citation h-index is above 100 according to Google Scholar. He is member of the Scientific Advisory Board of IMEC (Leuven, B) and STMicroelectronics.
Prof. De Micheli is the recipient of the 2022 ESDA-IEEE/CEDA Phil Kaufman Award, the 2019 ACM/SIGDA Pioneering Achievement Award, and several other awards.


Prof. Sung-Kyu Lim

Georgia Institute of Technology (Gatech)

Bio.: Sung Kyu Lim was born and grew up in Seoul, Korea, and moved to Los Angeles with his family at the age of 19. He received B.S. (1994), M.S. (1997), and Ph.D. (2000) degrees all from the Computer Science Department of University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). During 2000-2001, he was a post-doctoral scholar at UCLA, and a senior engineer at Aplus Design Technologies, Inc.
In August 2001, he joined the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology an assistant professor. He is currently the director of the GTCAD (Georgia Tech Computer Aided Design) Laboratory at the School.


Prof. Ulf Schlichtmann

Technical University of Munich (TUM)

Bio.: Professor Schlichtmann (b. 1964) explores design automation methodologies for complex (digital and analog) electronic circuits and systems. These often consist of billions of components and need to be designed using sophisticated optimization and analysis algorithms. In recent years, his research has increasingly addressed emerging technologies (photonics, microfluidic biochips, neuromorphic architectures).
Professor Schlichtmann studied electrical engineering at TUM and obtained his doctorate for a thesis on computer-aided design, and also pursued a postgraduate business degree during this time. He then worked for Siemens AG and Infineon Technologies AG in a number of technical, managerial and executive positions for about 10 years. In 2003, Professor Schlichtmann was appointed to a professorship at TUM. In addition to his research and teaching activities, he coordinates international study programs in both Munich and Singapore (TUM Asia). He furthermore serves as program director of the TUMCREATE research project in Singapore and is is a member of various advisory boards and of the acatech National Academy of Science and Engineering.


Prof. Jinjun Xiong

University of Buffalo

Bio.: Dr. Jinjun Xiong is an Empire Innovation Professor with the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University at Buffalo (UB) . He received his Ph.D. degree in 2006 from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) with an Outstanding Ph.D. Award, his M.S. degree from University of Wisconsin, Madison in 2002, and his M.S. and B.S. degrees from Tsinghua University in 2000 and 1998, respectively.
Before joining UB in 2021, Dr. Xiong was Program Director and Senior Research Scientist at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY. He co-founded and co-directed the IBM-Illinois Center for Cognitive Computing Systems Research with Prof. Wen-mei Hwu. Under their leadership, the C3SR center has expanded from the early days' eight faculty members in 2016 to close to 40 faculty members in 2021. The success of the C3SR center also led to the creation of the new IBM-Illinois Discovery Accelerator Institute, a joint $200-million research investment between IBM and UIUC. Dr. Xiong also co-founded the IBM Smarter Energy Research Institute and led a number of enterprise-scale collaborations with world-wide electric utility companies to address sustainability issues with renewable integration.

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