21Apr. 2024
Agenda Overview Realeased
Conference agenda overview has been released. You can view on the page or download the PDF. Check it Now!
Sponsored by IEEE and ACM, and jointly organized by EDA² and the EDA Committee of CIE, the ISEDA (International Symposium of EDA) is an annual premier forum dedicated to VLSI design automation. The symposium aims at exploring the new challenges, presenting leading-edge technologies and providing EDA community with opportunities of predicting future directions in EDA research areas. ISEDA covers the full range of EDA topics from device and circuit levels up to system level, from analog to digital designs as well as manufacturing. The format of meeting intends to cultivate productive and novel interchangeable ideas among EDA researcher and developers. Academic and industrial EDA related professionals who are interested in EDA's theoretical and practical research are all welcomed to contribute to ISEDA.
Professor Emeritus at the University of Stuttgart
Bio: Hans-Joachim Wunderlich is Professor Emeritus of the University Stuttgart and a Life Fellow of IEEE. He received the diploma degree in mathematics from the University of Freiburg, Germany, in 1981 and the Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D. degree) from the University of Karlsruhe in 1986. Since 1991, he has been a full professor. From 2002 to 2018, he was the director of the Institute of Computer Architecture and Computer Engineering at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. He has been associate editor of various international journals and organizer of a variety of IEEE conferences on design, test and fault tolerance of electronic systems. He has published 15 books and book chapters and around 300 reviewed scientific papers in journals and conferences. His research interests include test, reliability, fault tolerance and design automation of microelectronic systems.
Conference agenda overview has been released. You can view on the page or download the PDF. Check it Now!
Happy Chinese New Year! In line with the author's request, the submission deadline for ISEDA 2024 has been extended to February 28, 2024. We eagerly anticipate and warmly welcome your submission. Submit Paper Now!
Our server of website and paper submission system will be under maintenance, which will start from 19:30 on December 29, 2023, to 19:30 on December 31, 2023 (estimated). Thanks for your kindly understanding in advance. (Maintenance Done) Click to enter Submission System!
Original papers in, but not limited to, the following areas are invited:
Technology & Model
Analog Circuit
Digital Design & Verification
Physical Implementation
Wafer Manufacturing
Packaging & Multi-Physics
Emerging Technologies
February 10, 2024
March 06, 2024
March 31, 2024